Sundays at 10:00 a.m. 511 E 7th
Dell Rapids, SD 57022
(across from the library)

City Church

Making God's Glory Known and Felt


We are a gospel-loving, Bible-believing, warm, conservative church. We have a big vision for multiplication and for advancing God’s kingdom. We have about 120-160 people in attendance on most Sunday mornings. We offer Sunday School, nursery, Wednesday night programming for all ages and men’s, women’s and young adult (17-25) small groups throughout the week.  We have many other activities that happen in the life of the church. A great way to stay connected with the happenings of the church is to join our Google Groups email list.


In 2000, West Center Baptist Church in Madison, SD planted Central Valley Community Church in Hartford, SD. Central Valley planted us in Dell Rapids in February 2006. We planted Christ Fellowship in Baltic, SD. And in 2011 we sent out our associate pastor to lead a church plant called Zao Community Church (later changed to Cornerstone Community Church) in Brandon, SD. Along with our network of churches, we continue to dream about how God might use us to be able to plant more Bible-believing, gospel-loving churches in our region and beyond. One major initiative has been the joining together with other churches to develop of the Timothy Pastoral Apprenticeship.

We started out in August of 2005 by meeting in homes with about 10 families/individuals to pray, discuss scripture, dream and make plans for how God might use us. In February of 2006, we held our first service at the old elementary school, with 25-40 people in attendance. We officially “launched” on Easter Sunday, April 16. In 2007, we purchased and remodeled the building at 406 East 4th St.  By 2014, we had outgrown that building, and we purchased an old elementary school, where we currently meet (511 E 7th). We’ve been able to make some great improvements to our current building, and we continue to be in a season of renovation. We hope to lay carpet and make bathroom improvements soon!

We have been blown away with how God has blessed us with opportunities to see people come to Christ, to see people grow in their relationship to Christ, to plant churches and to train and send out men for ministry. God has been good to us and we are excited to see what he’ll do in the future! If you aren’t already a part of RCC, we would love to have you consider joining us on this journey!

Missionaries we support

CRU staff

-Luke Perkins of Equip Campus Ministries in Brookings, SD. Luke ministers to South Dakota State University students.

-Jim Wold of Desert Light Ministries. Jim, along with his wife Carol, have a special ministry to churches and pastors.

-D and S in

-Read more about RCC missions here.


North American Baptist Conference – Conference we belong to.

Great Plains Association of the North American Baptist Conference – Association we belong to.

Timothy Pastoral Apprenticeship – Pastoral training program we are a part of.

Ministries we love

The Gospel Coalition

Desiring God


Equip Ministries

Alpha Center

Crystal Springs Baptist Camp